Angela Lee

How We Build Networks

200 people showed up last night for our WIE Network hosted Women In Tech talk for an event originally meant for 75! Only fitting for a panel focused on how we build community. I was so impressed and gratified by the practicality of the answers from our four incredible speakers, Reshma Saujani founder of Girls Who Code, Angela Lee, founder of 37 Angels, Rachel Jarrett President of Zola and Kristen Titus, Chief Innovation Officer for New York State. A couple of my pieces of advice include:

" Women are good at building networks but not at leveraging them. Have an ask, have a share. Make it easy for people to help you." Angela Lee

"We need to be creating these male ally group. We need men to be comfortable at calling one another out." Reshma Saujani

Lets continue to build the networks that allow us to succeed in our careers.